The Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday Resnick Walker is a classic intro of the physics. The book is very well explained by it's simple text. It's the course book of many engineering universities and being tought widely all around the world. You would find it too simple to understand and it's covering all the major topics of physics.

The book has an advanced frosh physics sequence that assumes solid calculus background and moves fast. The majority of the text is pretty superficial. The way Fundamentals of Physics is written very much pretty, especially the "strategies" and check points. The book doesn't throw so much stuff at the reader. The first edition of the book was in 1970. And in the first edition the authors say of the revision from Physics:
"The effect of this surgery hast been to decrease apreciably the size of the book and to redurce somewhat is level of sophistication without scarificing a broad coverage of the fundantals."

But in this physics book half the problems aren't plug and chug, and there are no examples to follow from for those. The excercise' questions can not be easily understand and solved by student by just going throught the examples in the chapters. But the bottom line is, that book is very much handy for the physics students and one can easily understand and get higher grades in physics by reading this book.

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