The Object-oriented programming in C++ by Robert Lafore begins with the basic principles of the C++ programming language and systematically introduces increasingly advanced topics while illustrating the OOP methodology. While the structure of this book is similar to that of the previous edition, each chapter reflects the latest ANSI C++ standard and the examples have been thoroughly revised to reflect current practices and standards.

This book is aimed at readers who wish to learn C++ and some form of Object-Oriented programming on a DOS/Windows PC using either Borland C++ 4.5 or Turbo C++. You do not need to be already familiar with C in order to tackle this book. The author makes no pretence of discussing ANSI C++, nor does he discuss any of the major Object-Oriented methodologies such as Rumbaugh, Booch, Wirf and others.

For those readers using DOS/Windows PCs, the book is worth consideration. I am aware that there are a lot of books within this class, so readers should study a selection and buy/borrow the one(s) they feel most comfortable with.

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